Goldstein Auto Group

Sep 10, 2015


DIY projects always seem like a great idea. It’s going to save me money and it’s going to feel good knowing I did it myself! Then in the middle of the project I usually realize I’ve gotten myself way in over my head and there is a very slim chance I’m going to be able to finish this. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, make sure you’re answering these five questions before starting your next project whether it be changing your oil, building your transmission or anything else.

  1. How long will it take? Do your research, see how much time that specific project normally takes a do-it-yourselfer. Make sure you have that time available in your schedule. Maybe it’s more beneficial to pay a professional to do it while you get other chores done. Finally, realize you are going to be out of a car until you get the project finished.
  2. Do you have the tools? Automotive repairs normally require a significant amount of special tools, most of which you will not find in your typical shed. These tools are going to cost a good amount of money and you’ll need to take the time to learn how to use them. It may not be worth it if you don’t find yourself needing these expensive tools for anything else.
  3. Do you have the space? If you live in an apartment complex, it’s going to be more difficult to get these kind of projects done. Without a garage, you’ll have to keep your car in the same spot for however long the job takes. You are going to have the equipment all over the place and people may need to take up the spots around you. Even with a garage, most of the time they are shared with other tenants or needed for extra storage. Unless you have your own garage with a good amount of space to maneuver, it is not going to be easy to get this job done.
  4. Do you know how to do it? Watch several tutorials about it on YouTube and scope it out. With each and every step, ask yourself if this is something you would be capable of. If any parts seem a little tricky or too complicated, it may be more beneficial to have a professional do it. A car is not something you want to do a botch job on!
  5. What are the risks of injury? Safety should always be the most important factor when thinking about starting a project. No project is worth a broken leg or a broken hand. There is a chance with these projects that the car can fall on you or the transmission can crush your hand. This could mean having to be out of work for several weeks which might make things difficult without that income.

When starting a DIY project make sure you are always being safe and smart about it. Have a bail out plan just in case things go awry. Have the phone number of a tow truck on hand. If you have answered all of these questions and still feel confident you can accomplish your project, good luck and have fun!